This is an excerpt from a book called『車のいろは空のいろ—白いぼうし』or The Sky-Coloured Car: White Hat. I translated it for reading practice. The book is aimed at children and written mostly with hiragana, which made it difficult.


The stars glittered in the cold winter sky.

  • ちかちか・sparkling
  • 光る・shine

Ginko trees, their leaves all fallen off, lined the street.

  • イチョウ・ginko

Beneath the rows of ginko trees, a sky coloured car steadily made its way.

  • 並木・なみき・row of trees, roadside trees
  • ぐんぐん・steadily, rapidly

(こんやは、これでおしまいだな。) ハンドルをまわしながら、松井さんはおもいました。
"That's it for tonight." thought Mr. Matsui as he turned the handle.

  • お終い・おしまい・the end
  • 松井・まつい・a surname

In the distance an orange light appeared, approaching the house in a flash, pew, and then passing by leaving only the howling wind.

  • 現れて・あらわれて・appear
  • みるみる・all of a sudden, before one's eyes
  • 近づき・ちかづき・approach, draw close
  • 唸り・うなり・groan, moan, snarl, howl
  • 残す・のこす・leave behind
  • すれ違う・すれがちがう・pass by

It was already past 2am in the middle of the night.

"It looks like it's going to be a really cold night. As though everything is covered in ice, all the way up to the stars."

  • 随分・ずいぶん・very, extremely, awfully, terribly
  • まるで・as if, just like・completely, at all, quite
  • 付いている・ついている・attached

Before he knew it, the row of ginko trees became an asphalt road lined with silent black houses.

  • いつの間にか・before one knows, unawares
  • シーンとな・deathly quiet
  • 家々・いえいえ・houses

Before long, the car slid into a big, bright, well-lit building at the corner of town.

  • やがて・eventually, before long, nearly
  • あかあか・bright red, bright
  • 明るい・あかるい・well-lit
  • 滑り込む・すべりこむ・slip into, slide into


Haruno Taxi Company. This was Mr. Matsui's company.

Mr. Matsui got out of the car.

Then, he flung open the passenger door.


There was a bulging black leather wallet.

  • 膨らむ・ふくらむ・bulging

When he looked inside, it was packed full of money.

  • 取り上げる・とりあげる・take
  • ぎっしり・tightly (packed), densely
  • 詰まる・つまる・packed with, blocked

Mixed in with the money were five or six things that looked like the owner's business cards.

  • 混じる・交じる・まじる・mixed with
  • 持ち主・もちぬし・owner, possessor
  • ーらしい・-seeming


Bear Valley Corporation・Kumano Kumakichi

  • 株式会社・かぶしきがいしゃ・stock company, corporation

Mr. Matsui then remembered the figure of his last customer for the night.

  • 載せる/乗せる・のせる・to give a ride, to place on
  • お終い・おしまい・the end, being done for, closing
  • 姿・すがた・figure, guise

He had raised his eyes to look in the back mirror, to see that the sleeping gentleman's face looked very much like a bear's.

  • ふと・suddenly, casually, accidentally
  • 見上げる・みあげる・to raise one's eyes
  • 眠りこける・ねむりこける・to sleep like a log
  • 紳士・しんし・gentleman
  • まるで・as though, quite like
  • そっくり・all together, entirely, spitting image

With his overcoat collar pulled up and felt hat slanted over, the bear faced gentleman, was faintly breathing in his sleep.

  • オーバー・overcoat
  • ソフトぼう・felt hat
  • 斜めに・ななめに・diagonally
  • 被る・かぶる・to incur, to cover, to wear
  • 微か・かすか・dim, faint, poor, wretched
  • 寝息を立てる・ねいきをたてる・to breath while sleeping


Add translation - he almost crashed.

At that instance, the car lurched with a sudden bump.

  • 拍子・びょうし・moment, instance, musical time/beat
  • fix びょうしー>ひょうし

  • ガタンと・with a crash or jolt
  • 揺れる・ゆれる・to shake or sway

The gentleman, opening his eyes and rising, lit a cigarette.


In the rearview mirror appeared the face of an ordinary man.

  • 当たり前・あたりまえ・natural, ordinary, obvious
  • 映る・うつる・to be reflected, displayed on a screen

My eyes must have tricked me into seeing a bear, thought Mr. Matsui.

Eventually the car stopped before a large residence.

  • やがて・eventually
  • 屋敷・やしき・residence, estate

The gentleman casually entered through a gate, his broad shoulders swaying as he walked.

  • 揺する・ゆする・swaying
  • ゆったり・easily, comfortably, relaxed

Mr. Matsui immediately remembered the passenger.

"That person must have been Kumano Kumanichi." he thought, quickly jumping back into the driver's seat.

  • 違いない・ちがいない・no mistaking it, without doubt, certain

Starting the engine and holding the steering wheel, he reversed out into the wide street.

The car headed once more down the way it had come.

  • いまきた道・the road just travelled

The stars shone brightly.


Mr. Matsui passed through a sleeping town, along the ginko-lined avenue, then arrived at the gate he remembered.

  • 寝静まる・ねしずまる・to fall asleep
  • 見覚え・みおぼえ・remembrance, recollection
  • 着く・tsuku・arrive

Mr. Matsui got out of the car with the bulging wallet held tightly in his hand.

  • 膨らむ・ふくらむ・bulging
  • しっかりと・tightly
  • 握る・にぎる・hold, clutch, grasp

Twice, he slowly pressed the bell beneath the nameplate reading Kumano Kumanichi.


Eventually, he heard footsteps approaching…かんめきをはずす音が思ったそうに響いて (something resounding or echoing), with a creaking sound the iron gate slowly opened.

  • かんめきをはずす音が思ったそうに響いて??

From within, the gentleman from before, coming out in a ニコニコ fashion, and he said:

"Ah, I've been waiting. Come in, come in."

In the entrance, in a green (地) kimono tied with a white belt was his wife, who approached (brought him in?) Mr. Matsui.

  • ??


Mr. Matsui entered a splendid room.

This wide room was completely decorated with bears.

There were pictures hanging on the walls, おちもの on the top of the shelves, ゆかのしきもの, all bears, bears, bears...

  • ゆかのしきもの??

Mr. Matsui, ? looked all around the splendid room.


  • It's quite a something?


こういって、the gentleman lit a cigarette.

Mr. Matsui, beside a soft chair, (something), put the wallet on a table.

"Thank you very much."

The gentleman drew on his cigarette.

  • 引くと出すは"draw"のsimilarです。

"However, I left this wallet behind on purpose."

「えっ。」 "Huh?"

"Well, I just wanted to meet you again."

Mr. Matsui wasn't quite sure where to look.

  • もじもじ・bashfully, fidgety, restlessly

"You saw my face in the back mirror, didn't you?"

Mr. Matsui said nothing.

"It's no big deal. You don't have to pretend. The truth is, I was born on Kotatan Mountain near Kushiro, Hokkaido... and you see, I am a bear."

  • 隠す・かくす・hide, conceal
  • 北海道・ほっかいどう・Hokkaido
  • 釧路・くしろ・Kushiro, a city in Hokkaido


見るまにしんしの顔は、黒い毛におおわれ、しめったはながとびだし、口が大きくさけて来ました。 Before his eyes, the bear-gentleman's face was covered with fur, his moist nose stuck out, and his mouth grew wide.

  • 見る間に・みるまに・before one's eyes
  • 覆う・おおう・cover, conceal, wrap, disguies
  • 湿る・しめる・to become moist, wet, damp
  • 飛び出す・とびだす・to stick out, jump out

Mr. Matsui jumped up, stunned.

  • 踊る・おどる・dance, leap, jump
  • ぼかん・?

When asked "This is my face, is it scary?", Mr. Matsui answered.

"No, even though your face has become a bear's, there's one thing that is still the same — your eyes."

"Thank you."

The bear-gentleman nodded happily.

頷く・うなずく・to nod

"It's my first time talking to a human, with my real face. It feels kind of nice. Just being able to stay in your real form is such a joy. Do you understand?"

  • 本物・ほんもの・real thing
  • 人間・にんげん・people, human
  • なんだか・a little, somewhat
  • それだけど・just that, that's all


The door opened, and Mrs. Bear came in carrying tea.

Her kimono and belt were the same as before, but her face had changed to a black bear's.

  • いつの間にか・before one knows, unawares

"Oh, this would be better than tea."

くましんしはたちあがって, あかあかともえているだんろのよこのかざりだなから、ウイスキーのびんをとりあげました。
The bear-gentleman stood up and took a bottle of whisky from the cabinet next to the brightly burning fireplace.

  • 立ち上がって・たちあがって・stand up
  • 明々・あかあか・brightly lit (contrast 赤々・bright red)
  • 燃える・もえる・burning
  • 暖炉・だんろ・fireplace, hearth, stove
  • 飾り棚・かざりだな・display case, cabinet
  • 取り上げる・とりあげる・pick up

Mrs. Bear quickly left the room and returned with a plate of cheese and crackers, and some glasses.

  • 運ぶ・はこぶ・carry, convey

Mr. Matsui had a cheerful feeling, as the whisky poured up to the top of his glass.

  • なみなみ・to the brim
  • 注ぐ・つぐ・to pour
  • Is this glass being poured for him, or is he pouring his own whisky?

A gentle-eyed bear, in human form, speaking with human words and living as a human seemed like a perfectly normal thing to occur.

  • 穏やかな・おだやか・peaceful, calm
  • 暮らし・くらし・livelihood, living
  • 当たり前・あたりまえ・natural, obvious, commonplace
  • おまわれてきました・does this mean it has come to appear as a normal thing?

Mr. Bear said:


「こたたん山は、いまごろ、雪でまっ白になっているでしょうよ。 "Kotatan Mountain would be completely white with snow right now.

  • 今頃・いまごろ・around this time
  • 真っ白・まっしろ・pure white, blank

Now that people are living around there, it has become rather crowded.

  • 辺り・あたり・around, in the surroundings
  • くらす・living

The bears of Kotatan Mountain, 372 animals in total, finally held a farewell party one autumn 15 years ago.

  • お別れ・おわかれ・parting, farewell
  • 開く・ひらく・to hold a party, also to unpack, open, bloom

このままでは、くまはほろびるばかりだとわかっていましたから。 With the way things were, I knew the bears would become extinct.

  • 滅びる・ほろびる・to go to ruin, extinction, die out
  • This sentence is a bit tough for me to understand.

It was very lonely, you see?"

  • 寂しい・さびしい・lonely, desolate

The bear-gentleman downed the rest of his glass, then continued his story.

  • 中身・なかみ・contents, substance, interior
  • ぐいっと・suddenly and forcefully, in one gulp
  • 飲み干す・のみほす・to drink up (all of a drink)


"It was at the time the green mountain was gradually turning yellow and brown.

  • 少しずつ・すこしずつ・gradually, bit by bit
  • 変わりかけて・かわりかけて・what does kakete mean here?

White fans of pampas grass swayed, glittering in the wind.

  • 薄・すすき・white pampas grass
  • 穂・ほ・ear of the plant
  • 揺れる・ゆれる・sway

370 bears stood silently.

  • 黙る・だまる・to be silent, say nothing

We looked into each others faces, up to the blue sky, and at the distant mountain.

  • お互い・おたがい・each other
  • 清む・すむ・to clear, serene
  • 眺める・ながめる・to gaze at, look on from sidelines, admire

I still clearly remember, at that moment the faint sensation of the wind passing between the bears.

  • 微かに・かすかに・faintly
  • 吹き抜ける・ふきぬける・blow through
  • 肌触り・はださわり・touch, texture, feel
  • はっきり・clearly, distinctly, plainly


  • HELP
  • やばて・?
  • わけあって・is this 訳あって or 分けあって?

Me, my wife and our two children came down the mountains, took human form and after a long train ride arrived in this town.

  • 連れる・つれる・to take, to be accompanied by, bring along, go with
  • 長いこと・ながいこと・for a long time
  • 汽車・きしゃ・train (esp. long distance)
  • ゆられ・??

When we first entered among the humans, work didn't go so well, but it seems now things are good.

  • work??
  • どうやら・seemingly, possibly
  • うまくいく・to go well


The children have grown up, and already now the eldest boy is at university and the eldest girl is at high school.

Behind Mr. Bear, Mrs. Bear nodded now and then at parts of the story.

  • 頷く・うなずく・nodding, bowing one's head in assent

Both their glasses had become empty and (she?) refilled them without a word.

  • 空になる・からになる・to become empty
  • 黙る・だまる・to be silent, say nothing
  • 注ぐ・つぐ・to pour


Mr. Matsui, having completely drunk the whisky, his body was flushed with warmth.

  • すっかり・completely
  • きいて・??
  • のか・??
  • 身体中・からだじゅう・all over the body, from head to toe
  • ぽっぽ・puffing, steaming (ぽっぽする・to feel hot)
  • 火照る・ほてる・to feel hot, to flush

His chest felt warm all the way to his heart, a good feeling.

  • 辺り・あたり・vicinity, surroundings
  • じいんと・being moved deeply, going numb, stinging, straight to one's heart (adverb)

Mr. Bear found a beat and began to sing.

  • 拍子を取る・sounds like he grabbed the beat?

「こたたん山の くまたちは 人におわれて 人になる こたたん こたたん 雪のふる朝 山こいし 雨のふる夜も 山こいし こたたん こたたん
The bears of Kotatan Mountain
Surrounded by people
Turn into humans
Kotatan, Kotatan

Snowy mornings
Mountain ??
Kotatan, Kotatan

Rainy nights
Mountain ??
Kotatan, Kotatan


さびしい朝には うたうたう こいしい夜には ゆめをみる こたたん こたたん」
On lonely mornings
Singing songs
On ?? nights
Kotatan, Kotatan

はんぶん目をつぶったまま、くましんしはうたいました。 Sang Mr. Bear, with his eyes half closed.

  • 瞑る・つぶる・to close one's eyes, to shut
  • まま・does this imply here that he kept/left his eyes closed?

Tears glistened in his eyes.

  • 涙・なみだ・tear, teardrop

Mr. Matsui followed suit and began to sing.

  • 真似・まね・imitating, mimicry

Mr and Mrs Bear clapped their hands.

  • 手拍子・てびょうし・clapping hands
  • 打つ・うつ・to hit, clap, tap


「人の世界に くまがすむ くまの世界に 人がすむ こたたん こたたん どちらがどうか わからない どちらがどうでも かまわない こたたん こたたん」
In the human world
Bears live
In the bear world
People live

Kotatan, Kotatan

Which is best
I don't know
Which is best
I don't care
Kotatan, Kotatan

In Mr. Matsui's eyes, Mr. and Mrs. Bear's figures, gradually became blurred.

  • だんだん・gradually, step by step
  • ぼやける・to become blurred

でんとうのまわりに、オレンジいろのひかりの線が、かさのようなかたちにひろがって見えました。 He could see rays of orange light spreading out like an umbrella from the room's light.

  • 電灯・でんとう・electric light
  • 形・かたち・form, shape
  • 広がる・ひろがる・to spread out, to extend


(That's right. When I was a child and my eyes were full of tears, if I looked at a bright light this is what I saw.)

  • ころ・approximate or suitable time
  • 溜める・ためる・to amass, to accumulate
  • こんな風に・こんなふうに・in this way/style, like this

Mr. Matsui considered this dreamily.

  • ぼんやりと・vaguely, absent-mindedly

Then with a start, he opened his eyes and became aware again.

  • はっと・with a start, in surprise
  • 覚める・to wake up, to sober up
  • 気がつく・きがつく・to regain consciousness, to come around

さいふをわすれていったしんしの家の門のまえで、ひとりぼんやりとたっていました。 He was standing alone, in a daze, before the house gates of the gentleman who forgot his wallet.

  • ぼにゃり・vaguely, absent-mindedly

The house's residents were probably already in bed.

It was unlikely they would come out.

  • なかなか・not readily (in this usage)


Putting his hat back on, Mr. Matsui rang the bell firmly once more.

  • 被る・かぶる・to put on, to cover

Footsteps approached, followed by the heavy sound of the bolt being removed.

  • 足音・あしおと・footsteps
  • 近づき・ちかづき・drawing closer, making someone's acquaintance
  • かんめき・bolt, latch, cinch
  • 重たい・おもたい・heavy, weighty
  • 響く・ひびく・to resound, to reverberate

Then, the black iron gates swung open.

  • 開く・ひらく・to open
  • ずずずず

Mr. Matsui's heart began to pound.

  • 心臓・しんぞう・heart
  • 激しい・はげしい・violent, extreme
